Paintings of Trees A Heart of Bark in Bushfire Haze - oil on canvas 66x88cm 2013 Gifts of the Gums - oil on canvas 76x76cm 2013 A Group of Eucalypts - oil on prepared paper 30.5x35.5 cm 2012 A Sunlit Glen - oil on canvas 30x30cm 2015 Autumn Morning - oil on canvas 19x54cm 2015 With a Heart of Bark - oil on linen canvas on board 58x46cm 2011 A Wooded Glen - oil on gessoed paper 38x38cm 2015 Forest Trees - oil on canvas 25.5x20cm 2013 « ‹ of 2 › » TREES ‘Trees are the most successful life forms on earth. Apart from the oceans, wildwood – mixed woodland of self-sown trees untouched and uncultivated by man – and tropical rainforest form the richest eco-systems in existence, providing a habitat for the widest variety of species. Societies of trees are fundamental to weather and climate, for a beneficial water cycle; for the development of minerals; for balancing the electrical charges between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface; and for the maintenance of the earth’s magnetic field as a whole. In addition, their intelligent and adaptable design, and their ability to co-operate have made trees the dominant life form on earth since they first appeared more than tree hundred million years ago.’ – Fred Hageneder, The Spirit of Trees (Floris books)